
2008-01-28 7:34 am
My favourite place is Hokkaido. It is in Japan.
I have gone there before. There is many food with good taste .It famous with water fowl ,such as Echinoidea ,Crab ,scallop. It also famous with dairy produce,eg milk , pudding .The fruit there are fresh and sweet.
There is many kind of flowers in there. I like the lavender there. They are very beautiful.
Many shops and shopping center are there. The produces have good quality and pretty .
I like this place because it is very flourish.

回答 (4)

2008-01-28 7:56 am
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我 highlight 了d字, 用作分辦依d應該要改的字, 希望幫到你

My most favourite place is Hokkaido. It is in Japan.
I have gone there before. There is many food with good taste. It is famous for its seafood ,such as Echinoidea ,Crab ,scallop. It is also famous for its dairy products, such as milk , pudding, etc .The fruits are fresh and sweet there.
There are many kind of flowers in Hokkaido. I like the lavender because it is very beautiful.
There are Many shops and shopping center. The products are very good quality and beautiful.
I like Hokkaido because it is very flourish there.

2008-01-28 00:14:41 補充:
更正: (1) 你提及的 have very good quality 是對的, sorry...(2) 我查過字典, dairy produces 都係可以, 不過比教多人 dairy products 仲有以下少少建議: (1) 另外, 你唔好用Echinoidea依個甘深既字啦, 用 Sea urchins 米ok (2) famous 後面通常跟 for(3) eg 只是簡寫, 通常用such as(4) etc 意思係等等(5) 不要太多時把 there 放在最後(6) pretty 少用在products 上

2008-01-28 00:24:35 補充:
同意樓下 kuromi1119 用 prosperous 一字代 flourish; 因為形容地方, 最好用後者; 前者用作形容植物居多
參考: 自己
2008-01-29 3:36 am
My favourite place is Hokkaido.It is in Japan.
I have gone there before.There (1.has) many (2.tasty) food.It is famous with water fowl,such as Echinoidea,(3.crabs) (4.and) (5.scallops).It is also famous with dairy produce,(6.such as) milk and (7.puddings).The fruit there are fresh and (8.watery).
There has many kinds of flowers(你前面已說了there,後面再說there就多餘了).I like the lavender there.They are very beautiful.
Many shops and shopping centres are there too.The (9.produce) (10.has) good (11.qualities) and (12.they are pretty).
I (13.love) (14.Hokkaido) because (15.the plants there are very flourish).

2."with good taste"就好似有d怪,所以我幫你改成tasty。
12.應該是"它們很美",不是"它們有很美",要加番they are,清楚d。

*我覺得你呢篇文作得唔錯。不過你記住,每次作文都要用simple english,因為simple english is good english。
參考: me
2008-01-28 8:08 am
My favourite place is Hokkaido and it is in Japan.

I have gone there before. There is much delicious food. Japan is famous for its water fowl, such as Echinoidea, Crab and scallop; there is also famous for dairy produce, eg milk and pudding .Its fruits are also fresh and sweet.

There is different kind of flowers; however, lavender is my favourite as they are very beautiful.

There are many shops and shopping centers in Hokkaido. The products are made in good quality and they are pretty .

I like this place because it is very prosperous.

2008-01-28 8:02 am
My favourite place is Hokkaido,it is in Japan.
I have been to there before.There are many food and most of them are tasty .The food is famous for with water fowl ,such as Echinoidea ,Crab ,scallop and also famous with dairy produce,eg milk , pudding .The fruits in there are fresh and sweet.
There are many kinds of flowers overthere. I like the lavenders because they are very beautiful.
There are many shops and shopping centers , the produces are good quality and pretty .
I like this island because it is very flourish.

2008-01-28 00:04:16 補充:
i hope the passage can help u ! pal
參考: my GR !~

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