急要一d Chinese New Year既Vocabulary

2008-01-28 5:25 am
1.在Chinese New Year會去的地方
2.Chinese New Year既活動
3.Chinese New Year既食品
*唔好每類俾一個= =

回答 (1)

2008-01-28 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
在Chinese New Year會去的地方---花市(flower markets ), 廟 (temple)

Chinese New Year既活動---拜年(visiting relatives ) , 吃團年飯(family reunion dinner)
放煙花(fireworks) ,舞獅(Lion dance) ,大掃除(spring cleaning),
貼揮春(post up the Spring Couplets), 利是(lucky money /red pocket money),

3.Chinese New Year既食品----蘿蔔糕(Chinese New Year Turnip Cake),
年糕(Chinese New Year Cake) , 紅瓜子( red melmon seed)

4.feelings----去舊迎新(to sweep out the old and welcome the new),
喜慶/開心(joy / happiness)

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