
2008-01-28 3:44 am
1.my future wait to overthown the past and present(我的未來等待顛覆這個世界)

2.brain was integrated(人腦拼合中)

3.it transcend the past and present's world(它超越過去與現在的世界)

4.i need to be stonger

回答 (2)

2008-01-29 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.my future wait to overthown the past and present(我的未來等待顛覆這個世界)

my future 係第三身單數 所以後面個verb要加s(記住唔同I 喎)
overthown? 真係? 我就唔識呢個字喇~ 係咪overthrown呀?
In future I await the world to be overthrown.

2.brain was integrated(人腦拼合中)

brain countable 不會獨立出現 一係加a an the pronoun s等等
was integrated並冇拼合中o既意思 而係被拼合
改are being integrated
btw 呢度係咪有o的modified o既意思?

3. it transcend the past and present's world(它超越過去與現在的世界)

it 又黎喇 後面個verb加s
it surpasses the past, surmounts the present.

4. i need to be stonger

參考: 我
2008-01-28 6:09 pm
1.I will wait for overturning this world in the future(我的未來等待顛覆這個世界)

2.Person's brain puts together to match to win(人腦拼合中)

3.It surmounts to pass by with the world of now(它超越過去與現在的世界)

4.I need to be stonger(我需要更強壯)

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