what mean is ~Who is this guy supposed to be?~?

2008-01-28 3:09 am
could you tell me what is the "supposed" meaning in this sentence?

回答 (2)

2008-01-28 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

Who is this guy supposed to be? = 呢個人應該係邊個呀﹖

Example﹕ I am supposed to be home by 8pm, but I don't think I can make it now.


2008-01-28 00:00:00 補充:
Example﹕你去睇一套歷事重演嘅戲﹐有一個主角你唔知係扮演邊個﹐ 你會用英文問﹕ Who is this guy supposed to be?如果個演員係扮演算孫中山先生﹐你會用英文答﹕ This guy is supposed to be Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
2008-01-28 7:37 am
suppose to be =以為

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