✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, HCl is a covalent molecular compound. In pure HCl (hydrogen chloride), there are only HCl molecules, but no ions.
In aqueous solution HCl, the HCl molecules are ionized to give H^+(aq). Therefore, the aqueous solution of HCl is known as hydrochloric acid, but not hydrogen chloride.
You MUST have such idea that pure HCl is molecular, but it is ionized in water to give H^+(aq) ions when you attend HKCEE examination, esp. in Paper II MC questions. The HKCEE syllabus also includes that acids in the absence of water (e.g. dissolved in a non-polar solvent) do not show acidic properties because of their molecular structure.
CH3COOH is a monobasic acid. This is because the C-H bonds are too strong to be broken. Only the -COOH group can release H^+(aq) ions in water, and the full explanation involves the AL syllabus.
2008-01-27 19:44:36 補充:
不要模稜兩可的說「唔一定 covalent 既」。也不要說「在 CE 程度 HCl 是 ionic」。無論 CE, AL, 甚至 U level,pure HCl 都係 covalent/molecular。唔識就語唔識,千祈唔好扮醒,最基本概念都教錯人!
2008-01-27 19:44:37 補充:
不要模稜兩可的說「唔一定 covalent 既」。也不要說「在 CE 程度 HCl 是 ionic」。無論 CE, AL, 甚至 U level,pure HCl 都係 covalent/molecular。唔識就語唔識,千祈唔好扮醒,最基本概念都教錯人!
2008-01-27 19:46:02 補充:
唔好意思,press the "enter" key a few times.