想問一問about English 書 ! 急呀 ■ ~~~~~~

2008-01-28 2:41 am
請列出英文圖書的書名 及 本書的作者名。

☆ 好趕嫁 !!! 明日就交(1月28日) !

回答 (2)

2008-01-28 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Carol Reef Explorer by Greg Pyers
2. Natural Record Breakers by Jillian Powell
3. The How, What and Why of Mammals by Gareth Coleman
4. Water World by Jane Wood
5. Milly, Molly and the Elephant by Gill Pittar
6. Milly, Molly and BB brown by Gill Pittar
7. Milly, Molly and Special Friends by Gill Pittar
2008-01-28 4:17 am
the town mouse and the country mouse
professor william littlewood

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