
2008-01-28 1:06 am
唔識做,聽日要交,救命啊!!! ...=填野
Fill in each blanks with the most suitable answer.
survive / worried / sneaked / trampled / dead / horrible / power / unpolluted / pure / amazed / delight / health
1.Ted,Lu and Pol were....to their teachers and friends.
2.The three nuaghty children...on the grass and flowers.
3.They...outside at night and did a lot of bad things.
4.Their parents were very...and they knew that their children should not behave so badly.

5.The children sailed high up into the clouds on the magic carpet and screamed with.... 6.In 2055,the Earch was so polluted that people could no longer...because all the animals and plants were... 7.The genie told them that they had the...to decide the future of the Earth.


8.Lu wanted everyone to keep the seas and rivers clean so that we could have fresh,...water to drink. 9.Ted wanted everyone to keep the air clean and...so that people could breathe easily.



回答 (2)

2008-01-28 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Ted, Lu and Pol were (horrible) to their teachers and friends.

There should be an adjective after the verb "were".

2.The three naughty children (trampled) on the grass and flowers.

A verb is missing and "on the grass and flowers" reminds you to use "trample".

3.They (sneaked) out at night and did a lot of bad things.

A verb is missing and the verb "did" reminds you the verb is in past tense, What do you usually do at nights? Stay at home right? So "sneak" here means go out from home without permission.

4.Their parents were very (worried) and they knew that their children should not behave so badly.

Since their children is not behaving good so their parents should feel "worried" same as Q#1 an adjective is missing here.

5.The children sailed high up into the clouds on the magic carpet and screamed with (delight).

"Sailed high up into the clouds on the magic carpet" is an exciting thing so you should feel delighted. However a noun should be used after a preposition, so "delight" is suitable.

6.In 2055, the Earth was so polluted that people could no longer (survive) because all the animals and plants were (dead).

We can't live without food and animals and plants are our food.

7.The genie told them that they had the (power) to decide the future of the Earth.

8.Lu wanted everyone to keep the seas and rivers clean so that we could have fresh, (unpolluted/pure) water.

不肯定你睇唔睇得明我的分析, 都係唔寫了

2008-01-27 18:13:53 補充:
9.Ted wanted everyone to keep the air clean and (pure) so that people could breathe easily.
2008-01-28 1:52 am
參考: all by myself

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