What is " dial " mean?

2008-01-28 12:13 am
" dial "點解? 急,今天答!!


回答 (4)

2008-01-28 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dial the phone number 係打電話number
咁dial就係 打電話個動詞

2008-01-28 00:20:32 補充:
Sounds like 咁
參考: Australian student
2008-01-28 12:49 am

1. (儀器等的)刻度盤,示數盤
2. 錶盤;鐘盤
The clock dial is illuminated at night.
3. 電臺調節器;(電視機的)頻道調節器
4. (機器的)調節控制器
5. (電話機的)撥號盤
6. 日晷儀

1. 調(電視頻道、電臺);收聽,收視
2. 撥(電話號碼);打電話給
She dialled London direct.
3. (用標度盤)指示;計量

1. 撥號,打電話
2. 操縱調諧裝置

noun, verb, di·aled, di·al·ing or (especially British) di·alled, di·al·ling, adjective
–noun 1. a plate, disk, face, or other surface containing markings or figures upon which the time of day is indicated by hands, pointers, or shadows, as of a clock or sundial.
2. a plate or disk with markings or figures for indicating or registering some measurement or number, as of pressure, number of revolutions, the frequency to which a radio is tuned, etc., usually by means of a pointer.
3. a rotatable plate, disk, or knob used for regulating a mechanism, making and breaking electrical connections, etc., as in tuning a radio or television station in or out.
4. Also called rotary dial. a rotatable plate or disk on a telephone, fitted with finger holes that are marked with letters or numbers, used in making calls through an automatic switchboard.
5. any mechanism on the face of a telephone by which the caller places a call, as push buttons.
6. Also called miner&#39;s dial. Mining. a compass used for underground surveying.
–verb (used with object) 7. to indicate or register on or as if on a dial.
8. to measure with or as if with a dial.
9. to regulate, select, or tune in by means of a dial, as on a radio: to dial my favorite program.
10. to make a telephone call to: Dial me at home.
–verb (used without object) 11. to use a telephone dial; to dial a telephone: I keep dialing, but the line seems dead.
12. to tune in or regulate by means of a dial: to dial into the opera broadcast.
–adjective 13. (of a telephone) having a rotary dial mechanism.
—Verb phrase14. dial up, to obtain, reach, or contact by telephone: to dial up stock-market information; to dial up Chicago and do some business.
參考: me
2008-01-28 12:23 am
1. (儀器等的)刻度盤,示數盤
2. 錶盤;鐘盤
The clock dial is illuminated at night.
3. 電臺調節器;(電視機的)頻道調節器
4. (機器的)調節控制器
5. (電話機的)撥號盤
6. 日晷儀
1. 調(電視頻道、電臺);收聽,收視
2. 撥(電話號碼);打電話給
She dialled London direct.
3. (用標度盤)指示;計量
1. 撥號,打電話
2. 操縱調諧裝置


名複: dials
動變: dialed, dialled; dialed, dialled; dialing, dialling
參考: Yahoo
2008-01-28 12:19 am
1. (儀器等的)刻度盤,示數盤
2. 錶盤;鐘盤
The clock dial is illuminated at night.
3. 電臺調節器;(電視機的)頻道調節器
4. (機器的)調節控制器
5. (電話機的)撥號盤
6. 日晷儀
1. 調(電視頻道、電臺);收聽,收視
2. 撥(電話號碼);打電話給
She dialled London direct.
3. (用標度盤)指示;計量
1. 撥號,打電話
2. 操縱調諧裝置

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