
2008-01-28 12:11 am
如果我想同外藉老師講“我必需在二月中旬前注射甲型肝炎針.但我不知道哪間醫療中心有這項注射服務,知不知哪裡可以注射到和幫我搵出那醫療中心地址嗎?讓我可以盡快打甲型針。”呢句o既英文應該點講? 唔該!

回答 (3)

2008-01-28 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
二月中旬 Mid-February
甲型肝炎針 Hepatitis-A vaccine
打針 Injection (或者口語可以用 Jab)
醫療中心 Clinic

"I need to take the Hepatitis-A vaccination jab by mid-February, but I'm not too sure in which clinic I can take it. Would you be able to find out for me where I may find this service and give me the address of the clinic, so that I can take the injection as soon as possible?"
參考: me
2008-01-29 1:33 am
Do you know happend to know, any clinic providing injection of vaccination of A .

If you do, appreciate you can give me the address. I must get this done as soon as possible preferably on mid of Feb.
2008-01-28 12:57 am
You can tell your teacher in this simple way:
I must have an injection of hepatitis type A (甲型肝炎) mid Februray, but I do not know where I can have it. Please give me the address of a clinic which provides such injection. Thanks.

Hope this helps!

2008-01-27 22:24:35 補充:
by (or before) mid February
參考: my knowledge

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