law ..

2008-01-27 11:17 pm
if過外國讀係咪好過study in hk ?
讀法律除左要doing assignments and essays,洗唔洗去一d既法庭實習咖?
有無人知係英國study law係點既?

回答 (1)

2008-01-31 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
being smart helps, otherwise, just study hard, but either way, you need to study hard and have a good memory

if過外國讀係咪好過study in hk ?
it depends, different countries have different laws, I'm sure the laws in U.K. are different from the laws in the U.S., and the laws in Africa are different from the laws in China. It makes sense to study laws in a country that is compatible with the laws in your origin.

讀法律除左要doing assignments and essays,洗唔洗去一d既法庭實習咖?
usually, no, it's not required, but you can get hand-on experience and it will look good on your resume, remember, it is law school, not medical school, you don't need to 實習 law until you graduate

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