Hong Kong to Manchester

2008-01-27 11:13 pm
I need to go to Manchester in early August.

I want a cheap and comfortable airline. Which airline do you suggest?

回答 (4)

2008-01-28 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no direct flights between Hong Kong and Manchester up to now. You have to get a transit flight. Cathay Pacific would like to laugh a new service between Hong Kong and Manchester via Moscow. However, it has still not yet been confirmed.
Early August is a peak season. If you want cheap tickets, you have to confirm the date right now and book the tickets as early as possible.
Both Cathay Pacific (CX) and British Airways (BA) are now offering the cheapest tickets to London only. You have to buy before 31/1/08. CX/BA, HK$3180. All excluding tax and charges, of course.



2008-01-29 16:30:57 補充:
First of all, Oasis goes to Gatwick not Heathrow.Second, CX and BA offer 4 and 3 flights every day respectively. That means you have more choices and enjoy more flexibility. Oasis just offers once to twice a day in August, 2008.

2008-01-29 16:32:40 補充:
Third, good or not depends on your next step. Whether you will stay in London for few days or go direct to Manchester via London is the key. If you go direct to Manchester via London, then what kind of transport you will choose is the second key.

2008-01-29 16:33:13 補充:
You can get transit flight from Heathrow and also Gatwick.Thus, all concerning issues depend on your own plan.Oasis Hong Kong,http://www.oasishongkong.com/hk/en/home.aspx
2008-02-03 6:29 am
I do not suggest CX/ BA lor, because they are rather expensive, for O8 (Oasis), you will just be bored to death in economy class unless you get Business class.
I suggest Virgin Atlantic to London, then get Thomsonfly up to Manchester

Hong Kong --> London via Virgin Atlantic: $3230HKD
Flight Time: 13:15

Compare to CX: $3818 = about $500 cheaper

BMI - London (Heathrow) to Manchester: 37pounds = about $600HKD

but because these are cheap airlines, the entertainment and seats might not be as good as you thought (but Virgin isn't bad at all, bmi isn't very bad either), so if you want some more comfortable, get CX then change to BA from Heathrow to Manchester (the most expensive way).

Cheapest: Virgin Atlantic + BMI = about $3830HKD
Expensive: British Airline + British Airline = $3900HKD + 44 pound ($700) = $4600HKD
2008-01-28 1:27 am
2008-01-27 11:24 pm
Go for Cathay Pacific as they speak Cantonese and they fly direct from Hong Kong to Manchester. Second option you may fly Virgin and go London first and change to British airways from London to Manchester.
參考: self

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