i want to know how to answer 中一面試英文題目/中一面試題目

2008-01-27 7:42 pm
Why do you choose this school?

回答 (3)

2008-01-27 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I choose this the school, because I thought this the school suits me
very much. Because the your school has very moves, moreover I hear the
your school the student extremely splendid and your school teacher
extremely friendly and the school spirit is good

2008-01-27 11:52:24 補充:
若果遇到唔識聽的問題,你可以說Sorry I don't understand.Can you parden(對不起,我不明白你說甚麼,你可不可以重覆

2008-01-27 11:52:50 補充:
1.I choose this school because I think that this school is necessary for me,there are many activities in this school and I heard the childrens in this school are good and the teachers in this school are kind.(我選擇這間學校,因為我覺得這間學校很適合我。因為貴校有很多活動,而且我聽聞貴校的學生非常出色和貴校的老師非常友善)

2008-01-27 11:53:14 補充:
2.I want to travel Egypt because I want to visit the Sphinx.(我想到埃及旅遊,因為我想參觀獅身人像)3.I like my secondy school because I had many good friends in my primary school.(我喜歡我的小學,因為我有許多好朋友在小學)4.It means learning and knowledge.(即是學問和知識)

2008-01-27 11:53:37 補充:
5.Yes,of couse,I always join it.I join public welfare fund.it was a unforgettable experience(當然有,我很喜歡參與這些活動,我參與過曾益金,那是一個難忘的經驗)6.I think your principal is kind because I heard many people said your principal are good to the students.(我想貴校的校長是友善的,因為我聽聞校長對學生很好)

2008-01-27 11:54:09 補充:
若果遇到唔識聽的問題,應該SAY:Sorry I don't understand / Pardon?Why do you choose this school?Because this school has a good record.And the environment is good.

2008-01-27 11:54:29 補充:
Why do you choose this school?Because this school has a good record.And the environment is good.What place do you like to travel?China.Because i am a Chinese and......Do you like you primary school?Yes.Because......
2008-01-27 8:06 pm
I chose this school because I think that it really suits me. There are many activities in your school, this is really interesting. I have also been told that students and teachers from this school are very friendly, too.

佢問你問題,你先想一想,唔係太聽得明的話,跟住就同佢講" I beg your pardon. "(可以再說多一次嗎?)
如果聽多次都係唔明,就話" I am sorry, but I really can't get your meaning. "(對不起,我真的不明白你所說的話。)

參考: 我自己
2008-01-27 7:53 pm
I choose this school because I think it is very suitable for me. Since your school has a lot of activities and I also heard a lot of good things about your outstanding students, techers and excellent environment.
If 唔識聽, "I beg your pardon. Can you repeat that ??"
Or "I'm sorry. I didn't catch that."

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