POLL: Who's your internet lover? (if u have one)?

2008-01-26 6:44 pm
are they part of the Yahoo community?
do u think they could be a possible "perfect" match?
what about them attracted you the most to them?

be honest.....


samurai3 depends on what???


i think i already answered it by asking it .... dont u think? =)


and by the way munchingC u didnt answer ALL the Q's

回答 (17)

2008-01-26 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Lover? Well... there's this hard drive....um.... never mind.

Ok... is she part of the Yahoo community? Sure... till she gets suspended... lolol... ( kidding )

Could she be a perfect match? I'm thinking yes....

That said, may be YOU should answer your own question... LOL...
2008-01-27 12:43 am
I'm an internet whore! I have a lot of internet lovers. It gets pretty complicated sometimes!
2008-01-26 10:07 pm
Shhh it's a secret, and no, not him!...lol

Yes, he is part of the yahoo community.

Well, he is a lot of fun, he opens my eyes to so many new things. There's reasons it wouldn't ever work in the "real world" but we're just having fun, I think we've found something pretty great that we were each missing.

He's just different from the rest, I don't even know how to put it into words. He has a really good heart. Makes me smile all the time. Just soooo opposite from what my husband was, I needed someone like him in my life, and there he was, just at the right time! Funny how that all works isn't it?
參考: Ummm, yeah, about that answer, nevermind... Wow. What a night. I guess that would be a no, I don't have one.
2008-01-27 3:16 am
Dame tu carro , y te lo cuento todo...
2008-01-26 6:49 pm
I met this guy in Warcraft....lol yeah i no its corny but i really like his personality....he's kinda like a gentleman...His character name is Sonjicc!!!He's so cool to talk to.
2008-01-27 11:12 am
The one i call My Angel
2008-01-27 6:53 am
lol I'm trying to consummate the relationship but he keeps shape shifting: animal, mineral, vegetable, bi, annual, you name it. I may have to send a love offering for P&S Valentine's Day. Is he getting hard or playing hard to get? Who can know?

What do I like the most? His integrity, compassion, class and true genius.

I don't believe in perfect matches or soul mates because humans have volatility and the relationship is like a life too.
2008-01-27 4:09 am
I would want that in Yahoo community
2008-01-27 3:14 am
I don't have any....
I have one lover and that's my fiance in Real life ^_^
I'm just a super commited person, but friends are always awesome^_^
2008-01-26 6:58 pm
Yes, I do....Her name is Paula. She is from MI. I'm from IN... I met her on-line in 2001. Also, we chat on the computer. Her husband knows that we chat on the computer. What he does not know that she calls me about every day lol. I met her back in December of 2004 in person, (he does not know about our meeting) Paula and I have a strong bond It's like we can read each other minds..Even though,we are hundreds of miles from each other.

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