
2008-01-27 7:39 am
係where加語法???(講清楚個步驟= =)
點正要人地入自己個ac sin可以入我個xanga???

回答 (3)

2008-01-27 7:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Old Version:
1. go to your xanga's private page where you add a new weblog entry
2. 左手邊你會見到profile picture下面有好多野
3. click"Edit"下要ge第五個"look & feel"
4. you MUST type in your password again for security use
5. you can see many box
6. the top blank box is header; the last blank box is website states
7. you can put the 語法 inside [if you put in header, the thing will show on the top of your xanga; website states is just the thing like"change your xanga's name, the date's name..."
8. click "save changes"

If you have any questions, just 補充 your question and I will answer you :)

2008-01-27 00:02:53 補充:
http://edit.xanga.com/editaccountprivacy.aspxclick yes of xanga lock, others remain unchange
參考: xanga user (me)
2008-01-27 5:24 pm
你 好 , 我 推 薦 你 一 個 關 于 Xanga 基 本 語 法 教 學 的 網 站 , 他 包 括 許 多 Xanga 的 小 技 巧 , Xanga Skin , Xanga Script.


希 望 這 個 網 站 對 你 有 參 考 價 值 。

祝 你 好 運 !
2008-01-27 7:51 am
1}登入左禁l00k and feel`
{p.s.header果度要較返input y0ur 0wn header html先可以入語法`}
2)account inf0→privacy→Xanga Lock: Allow only signed in Xanga users to view my site果度tick yes"

2008-01-26 23:52:56 補充:
l00k and feel同account inf0可以響ic0n下面果堆link度搵到``

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