
2008-01-27 7:10 am
3.有什麼地方是要必去的?(除了BRITISH MUSEUM/OXFORD)
4.有什麼是到英國必嘗的食物/小食(除了FISH & CHIPS外)?
5.英國的HIGH TEA很著名, 哪一間較好?(RITZ?)價錢大約是多少?可以CASUAL WEAR的嗎?要先預約嗎?
2.EURO STAR 安全嗎?較Plane便宜嗎?由London TO Paris?

回答 (1)

2008-01-28 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all are you going to other parts of France? Or just Paris? If you're only going to Paris, you don't need 5 days there. I think 3 - 4 will be enough.

1, 2, 3
In London, the must-see attractions are Big Ben, London Eye, British Museum, Tate Modern, St. Paul's Cathedral, Chinatown, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery, Tower Bridge, Oxford Street and Regent Street, Harrods, and maybe Hyde Park.

If you walk very quickly and stop at each place for a short while, you can just complete everything in 2 days...but it'll be very tiring!

Outside London, you can go to Oxford or Cambridge, both are about 1 hour away by train or coach. Stonehenge is about 3 hours by car away from London, but you have to drive there. I don't think there's any train/buses that reach there. It is worth going if you can go, cos it's one of the 7 wonders of the world! But if you decide to go, make sure you are there before it closes at 7pm!

4. Yes, fish 'n chips is famous in UK...but it's not very nice ja wor...You can try their sunday roast too if you happen to be there on a sunday. Otherwise, there aren't really many famous foods in UK

5. Ritz Hotel, Park Lane Hotel serve good high tea. It's about £30 per person. I can also recommend you to Wolseley, which is near Ritz. You can find the menu, price and other info in this website www.thewolseley.com

6. Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Lion King, Cats, etc etc...they're all very good. You can go to Leicester Square and get tickets from any of the stalls that sell them. But if you can confirm the dates in advance, book them online so you can get better deal and seats.

B. Others
1. Don't go out too late any night, especially quiet areas. Be careful of your belongings in crowded areas such as Oxford Street. You might find people coming to you and say politely 'excuse me, can you spare some change please?', just ignore them and walk away...they're beggers.

2. Eurostar is more convenient than flying! They're definitely safe too! You now take Eurostar from St. Pancras station in London and get off at Stade du Nord in Paris...journey time used to be 3 hours but is now just 2 hours!

3. Budget...it depends what hotels/hostels you stay, how much shopping you buy...On average hotel is about £40 per person per night and food is about £5-10 per person per meal.

4. Souvenir....maybe some miniatures gua...nothing much special...

5. Hostels are generally quite safe...but try to find the registered Youth Hostels.

Hope it helps!!!
參考: me

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