Enzyme activity 與 benedict solution 有關係嗎?[20分]

2008-01-27 6:29 am
我係al學生... 我係學校要做一個有關enzyme & pH 的LAB, 我原本應該等enzyme同sucrose react左5分鐘之後先加benedict, 但我唔記得左等,直接加左benedict落去...結果 boil 之後,無轉色同無ppt... 完全negative result...

我想問benedict solution入面的copper(2) sulphate會唔會係enzyme的inhibitor 呢?

p.s. 希望係大學或以上程度的人答... 最好有reference

回答 (2)

2008-01-27 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
The copper(2) sulphate in Benedict solution is simply for formation of a red precipitate to indicate the presence of the monosaccharides (simple sugars such as glucose). Benedict shouldn't inhibit enzyme activity because it is commonly used in enzyme tests/labs for the presence of simple sugars.

Your result maybe due to 2 reasons:

1) the enzyme used didn't have enough time to break apart sucrose into glucose and fructose molecules, thus, benedict solution couldn't detect the presence of simple sugars. Since benedict cannot detect sucrose, it didn't form any precipitate. Once everything started boiling, the enzyme is inactivated because it denatures under high temperature, therefore, there won't be any glucose/fructose molecules to detect.

2) the enzyme you used maybe ineffective in breaking sucrose to glucose and fructose, thus, benedict can't detect any simple sugars
參考: me/wiki
2008-01-28 8:12 am
我係1個中5 student.

sucrose 唔係reducing sugar
所以只+ Benedict's solution 會出negative result

method: 先+ HCl 再+benedict's solution boil shows +ve result

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 14:33:46
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