I think question you

2008-01-27 4:10 am
I look at the dictionary,I usually see the " ph " . Does the " ph " may be as" v " " n " " a " use ?

回答 (1)

2008-01-27 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you mean the yahoo dictionary.

Yahoo dicitonary use the symbol ph to refer to phrase (片語). A phrase may include a verb, but not always, for example:

out of the blue

ph. (片語 phrase)

John arrived out of the blue.


A phrase means a group of words which is part of a complete sentence.

If you use an English dictionary (e.g. Longman), you may also find the symbol phr v, which means phrasal verb.

2008-01-26 21:55:06 補充:
ph 的另外兩個常見的意思, 是指 酸鹼度 (如pH 5.5) 和 哲學博士 (Ph.D.)

2008-01-26 21:57:03 補充:
更多 yahoo 字典例子:1. 片語,詞組Try to learn by heart these English words and phrases.努力把這些英語單字和片語記住。2. 成語,慣用語3. 措辭,說法The speaker certainly has a way with a phrase.這位演講者無疑善於辭令。

2008-01-26 21:57:17 補充:
http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=phrase&Submit= ¬d¦r

2008-01-26 21:59:06 補充:
●想了解 phrase 更多, 以下回答也請參考●http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006051300283

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