made of 同made from的分別

2008-01-27 2:43 am
made of 同made from的分別

回答 (8)

2008-01-27 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. made of指由某種原料製成,
The shirt is made of silk.

2. made from 亦指由某種原料製成,但強調製作過程複雜,
而從 製 成品中或已看不到最初原料的蹤跡.

Aluminum is made from bauxite.

2008-01-27 14:23:25 補充:
********* 100% correct ****************.
2008-01-27 9:08 pm
made of = 用某材料製造 ( wood / plastic )
made from = 在某地製造 ( 非正式 , 正式 : made in )( China / Japan )

made of : This table is made of wood.
made from ( made in ) : That packet of candies are made in China.
參考: ME
2008-01-27 8:35 am
made of 是指用什麼東西做出來 (e.g wood silk plastic ...etc )
made from 由那裡或什麼東西做出來 (e.g wood silk plastic ...or HK China.. )
made in 在那裡做 (一定填地方名 )
2008-01-27 5:45 am
若果那件東西若沒有改變質地,則用made of;若改變了本質就用made from
The table is made of wood.(成了枱後,仍然是木)
Wine is made from grape.(成酒後,改變了質地,不再是葡萄)
Cheese is made from milk.(成芝士後,就不再是奶,質地改變了)

2008-01-26 23:20:13 補充:
2008-01-27 2:54 am
made of :在哪裡生產
made from: 由甚麼物質做成
參考: 字典
2008-01-27 2:52 am
same thing ar
參考: me
2008-01-27 2:52 am
made of o既意思係由d咩做
made from就係o係where做
不過多數d人會use " made in "
2008-01-27 2:48 am
only used in " made of "

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