non jupas (10分!)

2008-01-27 12:23 am
non jupas多數係咩人報架?係咪外國番黎個d?
如果以non jupas入d熱門科入既機會大唔大?
仲有reference letter緊唔緊要?

你地好!我係外國番黎架 唔好意思仲想問下Academic Referee's report, statement of result係咩? 仲有自己個summary最好寫d咩?

回答 (2)

2008-01-27 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Basically ALL admission of local institutions NOT by JUPAS can be called Non-Jupas. The followings are the main streams of Non-JUPAS sources:

1) Associate Degree -> Degree
2) IVE / High Diploma -> Degree
3) Candidate from foreign countries (particular NOT having HKALE result)
4) Mainland Students

And personally, I was admitted by non-jupas also, but i was Degree -> Degree, external transfer between different local institutions (This is relatively minor group).

For those Hot Program, it depends on various parameters. For NON-JUPAS, I personally think there is no such straight rules to know you can or not. NON-JUPAS is comparatively individual-consideration than Jupas. By the way, having a good academic record is STILL the most important factor for your succession. MOST OF NON-JUPAS requires Interview, especially non-jupas candidates come from different backgrounds and take different examination before admission to local universities, interview is normally needed to evaluate the candidate further. Reference Letter MIGHT HELP. It can be a bonus but it does no harm if you don't get one.
2008-01-27 12:35 am
我係non_jupas 入番中大的,我入左工商管理.

我本身gpa of higher diploma 過3.5, 經過interview with the professor and 一d reference letter,最後讀到入去,但有d高分過我gei同學就唔得,所以你係要overall 都係好先得.

除左higher diploma or associate, 外國番黎or 做左幾年野都可以 apply

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