Heathrow Airport (T3) 去Horwich Parkway (Bolton)

2008-01-26 6:04 pm
我 29/3 會同男友上Bolton 睇波~
06:20 Landing
15:00 開波
我地要由希斯路機場 (Terminal 3) 北上 Bolton (Horwich Parkway)
由於我地仲未買飛 同要去酒店check in, 希望可以下午1點前到Bolton~

1. 希斯路機場 Terminal 3 check out + 拎行李要幾耐 ?
2. 由機場點去Horwich Parkway 係最快最平呢?
3. 我地洗唔洗買Young Person Railcard 先? 定係買其他card 優惠多D?
4. 如果要的話, 我知Young Person Railcard o係希斯路機場冇得買, 咁仲有咩方法可以o係出發前買倒呢?
5. 另外,知唔知球場有冇暫存行李服務架? (必要時拎埋行李去睇波)

6. 因為我地之後會番倫敦4天遊 (主要Zone 1-2), 咁係咪買Osyter Card 抵d?

回答 (2)

2008-01-26 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there are 2 chances that you able to join the match. fly in one day early or hire yourself
a car.with all flights coming in from asia Heathrow reach it peak in the early morning hours.if you.re SAR passport holder.it will takes at least 90 minutes after landed before you can reach the tube station. airport to city over 1 hour(.London)euston to bolton 3 hours journey.if you lucky to catch the 10.35am train .you will be in bolton by 1.31pm. and with all ur luggage ,horwich parkway still 6 miles away...........................!!!!!!!!
www.europcar.com 2days (1 day £60)car hire ONLY £79 pounds must book advance ! you can drop the car in any office within uk.
for travelcrad in London;www.londontravelpass.com click at prices

2008-01-26 11:12:31 補充:
trains ticket and infos;www.nationalrail.co.uk
2008-01-26 7:54 pm
http://journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk 这个网站有一个 路线和价格提供参考 trip planner.






checkout 时间应该不会太久,因为你是一大早到,1 小时应该可以了。机场有机行李服务。
www.heathrowairport.com 里面它位置的资料,问柜员的人也可以的。


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