
2008-01-26 9:40 am

Would you advise by return the result before end of this month

回答 (7)

2008-01-26 4:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Would you advise (reply) by return (returning) the result before (the) end of this month?

咁樣都得, 同時你亦都可以咁話:

1) Could you send me a reply by the end of this month please?

2) Could you kindly give me an answer by the end of this month please?

3) Please reply by no later than the end of this month, thank you.

* Would you = 係你會唔會
Could you = 係你可唔可以
Advise = 建議
Reply = 回覆

參考: myself
2008-01-26 7:46 pm
回覆 = reply 唔係 return
result = 結果
唔用 before, 應該用 by
e.g. by Thursday = 星期四或之前
by 3 p.m. = 3時正或之前

Would you please reply me by the end of this month?
Please reply by the end of this month?
2008-01-26 12:45 pm
I was wondering if it would be possible for you to reply back by the end of this month?
Can you contact me by the end of this month to let me know how you think?
I would appreciate a reply by the end of this month.
Can I have your answer by the end of this month?
Would it be possible to have a response from you by the end of this month?
It would be nice to have a response from you by the end of the month?

Would you advise by return the result before end of this month? wouldn't really make sense
參考: me me me
2008-01-26 11:56 am
Would you advise me the result before the end of this month?

但你的中文又不像是那個意思, so..
Could you give me a reply before the end of this month?
2008-01-26 9:59 am
用 I appreciate 會客氣一點, 另外, 月底前, 係 by end of the month, 唔係用 before.
I appreciate your advice by end of the month. 簡而清 !!

如果想語氣強硬一點, 可以:
Please reply by end of the month.
2008-01-26 9:58 am
would you reply me by lastest at the end of this month?

2008-01-26 01:58:38 補充:
would you reply me by latest at the end of this month?
參考: me
2008-01-26 9:57 am
Please let me know if you can give me the reply before the end of this month.
參考: me

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