有沒有好的Wedding Planner (婚禮統籌) 介紹?? (=_=")

2008-01-26 8:13 am
有沒有好的Wedding Planner (婚禮統籌) 介紹?? (=_=")
I'm currently residing in US and desperately need a good and 化算的 wedding planner to handle my wedding which will be held in Hong Kong in Aug 08..... 請幫幫忙.... Thanks =p

回答 (4)

2008-01-27 6:03 am
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你好呀,恭喜你!我舊年結婚經朋友介紹咗個Wedding Planner幫我搞結婚嘅嘢,佢係一站式服務,但係亦都提供彈性嘅服務比佢嘅客戶,佢會同你傾下然後再為你訂出最合適及所須的服務,唔會要你要一些不必要嘅嘅服務,最重要係佢只會接你所須嘅服務去收費(絕無任何附加費),所以非常有預算。另外,佢做嘢好細心又負責任,我記得結婚時仲不時比佢追返頭(因為我比較懶),我都介紹咗比唔少朋友架,佢嘅服務質數高而且價錢相當合理(仲可以有得傾添)!佢有擇日,律師證婚,場地佈置,婚紗攝影,花車,花球,禮服租賃,新娘化妝及髮型設計,婚禮攝影錄影同晚宴司儀服務。我聽我D朋友講,佢而家D期都好爆,不如你都揾佢傾下睇下可唔可以幫到你啦!佢真係幫我慳咗唔少同埋令我煩少咗好多嘢架!佢email: [email protected]

2008-01-26 22:04:27 補充:
參考: me
2013-03-26 10:38 pm
The Theme Wedding Design deeply believes that exquisite and unique theme are the soul of a gorgeous wedding which every couple desires.
Wedding Planner,婚禮統籌,婚禮策劃:http://www.thethemewedding.com
2008-02-01 10:12 pm
Congratulation!我之前有個朋友都係找wedding planner, 你都可以試下.我見佢D佈置及幫我個朋友籌備都不錯.佢超有耐性及細心.因為我個朋友好鬼煩及奄尖.如果你有興趣的話, 你可以找我朋友.佢email address 係[email protected]
2008-01-28 10:29 pm
My sister was in Canada before and she used this wedding planner.. www.fantaisie-wedding.com, they could even do the wedding within half a year.. my sister and her husband came back for only two weeks in hk and the rests were remoted by emails and calls.. they will give you a lot of choices to match ur plan and budget.. you may consider.. they also provide one-end services..

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