急!!! 急!!! 急!!! 英文作文點作

2008-01-26 8:00 am
英文作文個題目係' a lessn in life ' ,,
同埋字數要200 - 300字,,
好急咖!!! 因為要趕住交功課,,

回答 (1)

2008-01-26 3:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Its nice that you are not asking for an entire composition, cause it entails that you are a person willing to learn and not just trying to find the easy way out.

A lesson in life - Breakdown (3 main parts)

In your essay, you should start by providing a thorough background of an event that took place in your personal life. With the case being personal, the reflection is strong and persuasive. At the end of your background, make sure it mentions about the lesson to be learnt, for example, an incident that affects your life, family, friends; a situation that you will regret; or a result that you could have avoided but failed to do so. (More examples later)

In the main part of your essay, you should emphasize on the description of the incident first, and then follow it up with the lesson that learnt. You may also juxtapose it with a common folktale, making your lesson ever more so strong and convincing. This could be done in 2 - 3 paragraphs.

Don't introduce anything new, purely do a recap of the most evident points made in your essay and you could end with a sentence that can buy the audience/reader 's sympathy. This part should not be any longer than a few sentences (1 paragraph)

Further examples of "a lesson in life"
-Lack of consideration for others
-any personality that depicts a negative tone

Further examples of folktales
-The story of 'The Tortoise and The Hare'

Analogy [i.e.- 'Arrogant v. The Tortoise and the Hare']
The rabbit is arrogant, the turtle is hardworking. The turtle wins because....
So you can incorporate either folktales or legends with your personal incident, and express how you have learnt a lesson in your life, making your essay strong and persuading.

Good LuCK & Cheers!
參考: Just learn to overcome your fear for english, do not give up and you will be able to master it very quickly!

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