where can i find a job?

2008-01-26 12:22 am
im 14 and a freshmn in HS.

but my parents dont let me out alot cuz theyre like,
over protective. but my bros 16 and he goes out. should i wait til im 15-16 to try and get a job? that way im more responsible? if not, what jobs rae okay (i dont want low paying jobs x] )

srry for ll my typos and putting this in the wrong subject (if i did) but im in a hurry x]


first person: oh gawd, that sucks. i think ur right.

回答 (5)

2008-01-26 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
How do you do in school? What's your GPA, if you have a 3.8+ and if you are strong in your Math or science you probably can do some tutoring job. It'll be more than minimum wage. Do you have any particular skills? Playing any kind of musical instruments? Piano? Violin? Are you good at any kind of sports? Swimming? Ice Skating? Ballet? Then you probably can start teaching the little kids, they're all "good paying" part time job.
2008-01-26 8:31 am
ANY friggin job is ok if your 14. theres nothing where i live and id be more then happy with min wage. you gotta start some where. and a job is better then no job
2008-01-26 12:17 pm
since you're only 14 and don't have a lot of
skills or experience no employer will pay you
a lot of money if they hire you at all (workers comp
might not cover someone 14) have you considered
pet walking for people for $. You might want to get
an adult to help you with a resume and cover-letter.
I would say apply to stores in your area, restaurants
always need dishwashers, or hostess, you have
to start at the bottom including bottom pay. I think
you should focus on school and on enjoying your
youth. But if you want go to my profile and email me.
And we can discuss this more.
2008-01-26 8:26 am
well your 14 so your ONLY going to get LOW PAYING JOBS... sorry :) just wait till your older.....
2008-01-26 8:28 am

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