工程公司, 唔知怎麼入數及處理人工同強積金問題, 10分!!! 10分忽!!

2008-01-26 7:03 am
我公司是一間工程公司(無限公司), 遲D會轉有限公司, 我公司有請人回來工作, 這一行沒有人願意報稅, 因此現在沒有替員工供強積金亦沒有替員工報稅, 現在我有下列問題請各位幫忙:

明明出了人工給員工, 有d年薪超過$100,000即要交稅, 但這一行如果你同他們報稅, 大部份都唔做, 這樣怎出數 ?

因為當填公司報稅表時, 填了有人工, 稅局必會要我填E.R., 到時又要找人負責這些數, 但根本無供MPF, 稅局和積金局會否有聯絡? 怎麼辦?

都唔知怎麼入數及處理人工同強積金問題, 請幫忙, 我唔知點好?

如果入Sub-Contractor, 他們是否須要申請商業登記? 自僱人士嗎?

回答 (4)

2008-01-26 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
你要記住咁係僱主責任,就算你轉有限公司,你幫僱員逃稅都係有事,陳記燒鵝老闆就係咁判咗不過緩刑。 試過有判頭因為無二、三判及工資記錄,稅務局窮追不捨,結果要上稅務局玩自殺。 工人主要係怕麻煩,你唯有同佢地俾埋稅同強積金,身分證係法例規定要記錄,而勞工例要同佢買保險,你保存工人資料是保障其個人利益。 如果你可以細心解釋,佢地唔應該會留難你。
2008-02-03 8:59 am
2008-01-27 9:17 am
1. You should have the personnel record of these workers. e.g. I.D. number, name, address, total annual payment.
2. record these payment as "sub-contractor fee" and submit the personal details of these "sub-contractor fee" with the audited report to IRD during annual audit period.
3. No need to contribute the "MPF"!
2008-01-26 8:37 pm
Your case is quite common in the construction business. I will say the turnover of workers in the construction business is usual. Most of the workers will be treated as the employees. Accordingly, the payments to the workers will be posted in Sub-contracting fee. Those workers will be the sub-contractors of your company. That means, no MPF is needed for contributions. Your company should prepare the E.R. for sub-contractors (use IR56M form).
Further, your company should inform the workers about such sub-contractors, and remind them to apply for the business registration. Then, that is the workers' liability to report the tax to the IRD. Most likely, most of the workers are not willing to do it this way, but as I mentioned the turnover rate is such high and the employment relationship may not be easy to be existed. Your boss will need to try to convince the workers to accept it, otherwise, your company is able to hire other workers, who will accept such arrangement.
Also, if the workers do not accept as sub-contractor, they have to accept to be the employees in the company. Then, they must accept the report of E.R. (use IR56B) for salaries tax, and every month their salaries will be deducted of MPF contributions.
Thus, there are 2 choices for your workers, and those are quite fair for your company and the workers.

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