Melody Fair 有咩意思..?

2008-01-26 6:38 am
Who is the girl with the crying face looking at millions of signs?
She knows that life is a running race,
Her face should'nt show any line.

Melody fair wont you comb your hair? you can be beautiful too.
Melody fair , remember youre only a woman .
Melody fair, remember youre only a girl. ah...

Who is the girl at the window pane, watching the rain falling down?
Melody, life isnt like the rain ; its just like a merry go round.

回答 (1)

2008-01-26 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
70年代有套電影"兩小無猜", 當中既主角, 係一個10歲女孩, 她有一個美麗既名字, 叫 Melody. 和一般少年一樣, 急於做成年人, 故事講述和她同校一個男孩既初戀, 故事清新而又浪漫, 加上多首動聽插曲, 由 Bee Gees 唱, 更叫人難忘

Fair解戀愛事, 發生在主角Melody身上的戀愛事, 自然叫做 Melody Fair. 這首歌正是主題曲, 其他插曲有 :
In The Morning
First of May
To love somebody

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