
2008-01-26 6:03 am
我email 咗個報價比客 佢話今星期會覆我,但是而家仲未覆

如果我想問佢諗成點,因為個報價是special offer 而且已經過期,仲幫佢延過一次期,


回答 (3)

2008-01-26 4:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I was wondering what you thought about the price, since it's a limited time offer, and I've extended the offer for you once already.

What factors seem to be holding you back from making the final decision?
Would you mind telling me? I can surely attempt to help you solve any of your problems or clear up any misunderstandings.

Thanks for your time!
參考: me
2008-01-26 8:59 pm

If I want to ask he knows the spot, because a quoted price was special
offer moreover already expired, Zhong helped him to extend a time,
along with had the d baa consideration factor to make him not to make
the decision if were allowed the speech I to know him to consider the
tight d baa factor I was allowed to attempt help him to solve these
difficult problems

Thanks the help
2008-01-26 6:27 am
I has sent a e-mail of quotation to customer, he told me that he will reply me this week however, I do not receive any reply from him.
The contains as follows:
I want to ask him what is his decision, because the quote is special offer and it is overdued, I want to help him to delay the date once. What is his factors of consideration let him do not make the decision ?
Do you mind telling me what is your thinking factors of decision
I can try to solve these difficult problems?
Thank you for your help.
參考: 自己

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