how to rewrite the sentence ?

2008-01-26 5:51 am
building will into the a pass the to allowed security you be unless have

I have to re-arrange the every given words in the sentence to form a new smooth sentence, and cannot use other new words.

回答 (3)

2008-01-26 11:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

如果是的, 可以有幾種譯法
1. No entry to the building unless you have the security pass.

Security pass (保安通行證) 亦可變成
Security permission (保安許可)...
或者Authorized document (准許證件)

2. No entry except for those with the security permission.

Entry( 進入) 等於 Access

3. No access without the authorized document.

2008-01-26 03:01:39 補充:
希望幫到你~ ^.^

2008-01-28 10:28:32 補充:
To loksang: Ok I see. You just want to rearrange the order, right? But the truth is, it is not going to form a sensible sentence with only the terms you provided. Some level of modification is necessary. I hope you can understand the need of such action.

2008-01-28 10:29:31 補充:
Original- building will into the a pass the to allowed security you be unless have Re-arranged- You are not allowed to go into the building unless you have a security pass.
2008-01-27 8:21 am
Did you miss any words? If you have -unless-, then there should be something to mean the opposite, such as -(not) allowed- a certain thing -unless- something happens.

Your words above can't be put into a complete sentence, but the part that still makes sense is:

[to be allowed into the building unless you have a security pass] 12 words

You have 14 words, these 2 words -will- and -the- don't fit anywhere. Please check your source again.
2008-01-26 5:22 pm
The security will to be allowed into the building unless you have a pass

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