
2008-01-26 3:50 am
The elephant lives in forests and is threatened more by habitat loss than by poaching (trade in Asian elephant products has been banned since 1975). Forests have been converted to agriculture, cutting off traditional seasonal movements of the elephants and creating conflicts between elephants and humans. Only 30,000-40,000 wild Asian elephants survive today, mostly in India.

回答 (6)

2008-01-27 11:34 pm
The elephant lives in forests and is threatened more by habitat loss than by poaching (trade in Asian elephant products has been banned since 1975). Forests have been converted to agriculture, cutting off traditional seasonal movements of the elephants and creating conflicts between elephants and humans. Only 30,000-40,000 wild Asian elephants survive today, mostly in India.


大象居住在森林裡和由棲所損失威脅更多比由偷獵(貿易在亞洲大象產品被取締了自1975 以來) 。森林被轉換了成農業, 切除大象的傳統季節性運動和製造衝突在大象和人之間。只30,000-40,000 頭狂放的亞洲大象今天生存, 主要在印度。
參考: me
2008-01-26 5:09 am
又係我, 之前答過你續問4的, 唔知譯得好唔好, 請指教

小弟見到的是以上所有人都是同一個答案!! 而且都用番譯工具幫手

無錯係好快, 不過有時會太怪啦!!

大象在樹林生活, 因為偷獵的緣故, 他們的棲息地越來越少, 他們的生命亦因而被受威脅 (在亞洲, 大象製品的有關貿易從1975年起已被禁止). 樹林已轉化為農地, 切斷了傳統季節性的大象遷徙, 亦形成了大象及人類之間的衝突. 現時只有三萬至四萬的野生亞洲大象仍然生存, 大部份是在印度.
參考: 自己 + Yahoo dictionary
2008-01-26 4:31 am
The elephant lives in forests and is threatened more by habitat loss than by poaching (trade in Asian elephant products has been banned since 1975). Forests have been converted to agriculture, cutting off traditional seasonal movements of the elephants and creating conflicts between elephants and humans. Only 30,000-40,000 wild Asian elephants survive today, mostly in India.

大象居住在森林裡和由棲所損失威脅更多比由偷獵(貿易在亞洲大象產品被取締了自1975 以來) 。森林被轉換了成農業, 切除大象的傳統季節性運動和製造衝突在大象和人之間。只30,000-40,000 頭狂放的亞洲大象今天生存, 主要在印度。
參考: ME
2008-01-26 3:56 am
大象居住在森林裡和由棲所損失威脅更多比由偷獵(貿易在亞洲大象產品被取締了自1975 以來) 。森林被轉換了成農業, 切除大象的傳統季節性運動和製造衝突在大象和人之間。只30,000-40,000 頭狂放的亞洲大象今天生存, 主要在印度。
參考: 聰明筆
2008-01-26 3:55 am
大象居住在森林裡和由棲所損失威脅更多比由偷獵(貿易在亞洲大象產品被取締了自1975 以來) 。森林被轉換了成農業, 切除大象的傳統季節性運動和製造衝突在大象和人之間。只30,000-40,000 頭狂放的亞洲大象今天生存, 主要在印度。
參考: me
2008-01-26 3:53 am
大象居住在森林裡和由棲所損失威脅更多比由偷獵(貿易在亞洲大象產品被取締了自1975 以來) 。森林被轉換了成農業, 切除大象的傳統季節性運動和製造衝突在大象和人之間。只30,000-40,000 頭狂放的亞洲大象今天生存, 主要在印度。

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