different of transit and transfer

2008-01-25 8:36 pm
excuse me...
i would like to know the different of these two words, "transit", "transfer"...
expecialy in the airport...
what is the difference between these two?

回答 (2)

2008-01-26 12:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
transfer - from one place to a completely different place (i.e: from the city to the airport)

transit - a joint connection between two places, still meaning going from one place to the next (i.e.: flight from HK, stopping at Taiwan for transit to Vancouver. The transit point here is Taiwan)
2008-01-26 6:36 am
The different between transit and transfer

The solution:

Transit only can be a noun !

Transit is meaning :

1 ) process of going or being taken or transported from one place to another .

Transfer can be a verb or a noun !

When Transfer is a verb , the meaning is :

1 ) move something / somebody from one place to another

When Transfer is a noun , the meaning is :

1 ) transferring or being transferred

2008-01-29 13:29:04 補充:
Good ~
參考: My brain

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