[翻譯] 能否再次與你在一起 英文怎說

2008-01-25 6:51 pm
[翻譯] 1. 能否再次與你在一起, 英文怎說

2. 有沒有一些可以 中譯英 英譯中 句子 東西

回答 (8)

2008-01-25 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

美國人: "Hey, you wanna hook up again?"
英國或其他說英文人: "May we get together again?" 或 "Would you like to meet up again?"


May we get together again?
2008-01-25 8:16 pm
Shall I with you together again?
2008-01-25 7:55 pm
能否再次與你在一起, 英文怎說
Is it possible to be with you again?

參考: SELF
2008-01-25 7:47 pm
could i be with you together again??
2008-01-25 7:18 pm
Whether once more with you in same place

Microsoft office word2007
參考: me ^^
2008-01-25 7:08 pm
Can we be together again?
參考: Myself
2008-01-25 7:01 pm
1.Can you again together
2008-01-25 7:00 pm
Whether once more with you in same place

(WorldLingo 免費線上與專業翻譯)

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