
2008-01-25 10:10 am
口語可以怎樣說? (我查過 just my 2 cents 好像不是這個解釋)
如果formal d 又可以怎樣說呢?

回答 (3)

2008-01-25 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
照中文來譯是: Put money in your pocket. 但老外唔知你講mug!
其實 "塞錢入你袋" 的意思是 ~我免費給你上了一堂, 教精你
I have just gave you a free lesson.
參考: SELF
2008-01-30 5:13 am
Good ~ !
2008-01-25 11:06 am
1. to give you money
e.g. I would like to give you money, can you do something for me?

2. to put money into your pocket
e.g. He is trying to put money into your pocket in the hope of asking for your help.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:40:16
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