
2008-01-25 9:02 am
我想問有間向銅鑼灣叫INF既MODEL公司係咪呃人??佢先叫我俾完影相費,又要我再俾錢做COMPOSIT CARD,之後又再要上TRAINING,唉,未做已經俾左好多錢,而家唔知點算,不過佢又有JOB俾我做,我好驚佢又再問我羅錢,請問有無人俾佢呃過?

回答 (4)

2008-01-25 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-03-28 8:22 am
佢地會叫你上去office先慢慢傾,然後游說你影左輯相for casting,影完之後又叫你做composive card,跟住就係上course,全部都要俾錢,但係佢地真係會俾job你做既,果d得一百幾十蚊一個既job lor,總之你做到死果日都唔駛旨意回到本,所以,根本係一個局,千祈唔好上當,亦唔好上去佢地公司,因為佢地會用盡方法黎叫你俾錢,唔會放過你﹗
2008-03-26 9:03 pm
he found me twice too ar.. but i didn't go to his office because i find him so weird lah.

how does his office look like? u really paid him ar? he told me don't have to pay anything ga wor
2008-01-26 5:59 am
Don't give them any money more and tell them if they don't give you any job and earn some money, you will call the police. You must tell them you worry that they are dishonest and see how they response you. Then, you will see their real face.

Remember, don't give any money to them again. You will lose more money then.
Don't bring any money / credit card in your pocket when you see them.

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