
2008-01-25 6:24 am
1.There are 2 red balls ,2 black balls and 3 white ball in a bag and they are respresented by R1, R2 ,B1, B2, W1, W2 and W3. Two balls are chosen randomly one by one without replacement.

Find the probability of the following events:
(a)(I) Two white balls are drawn.
(ii)Two balls of the same colour are drawn.
(III)One black ball and one white ball are drawn.

回答 (3)

2008-01-25 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a)(I) P( Two white balls )
= 3/7 x 2/6 .....FIRST time take white ball ,the bag remain 6 balls(include white ball)
= 6/42
= 1/7

(ii)P( Two balls of the same colour) .....mean 2R + 2B + 2W
= 2/7 x 1/6 + 2/7 x 1/6 + 3/7 x 2/6 .....OR 2/7 x 1/6 x 2 + 3/7 x 2/6
= 2/42 + 2/42 + 6/42
= 10/42
= 5/21

III)P( One black ball and one white ball )
= 2/7 x 3/6 + 3/7 x 2/6 .....OR 2/7 x 3/2 x 2
= 6/42
= 1/7

2008-01-24 23:27:47 補充:
III) 解釋 : 第一次拿左白 ,第二次就要拿黑 ;第一次拿黑 ,第二次就一定要拿白

2008-01-24 23:30:21 補充:
sorryIII)個步驟同答案錯左 ,但條式冇錯III)P( One black ball and one white ball )= 2/7 x 3/6 3/7 x 2/6 = 6/42 6/42= 2/7

2008-01-24 23:30:50 補充:
= 6/42 6/42= 2/7

2008-01-24 23:31:23 補充:
= 6/42 + 6/42= 2/7
2008-01-25 6:42 am
1. (3/7)(2/6)=1/7
2. (2/7)(1/6)+(2/7)(1/6)+(3/7)(2/6)=5/21
3. 2(2/7)(3/6)=2/7
參考: Me
2008-01-25 6:39 am
ai) probability of draw 2 white balls is
(3/7) x (2/6)
aii) probability of draw 2 balls in same colour is
= probability of draw 2 red + probability of draw 2 blue +probability of draw 2 white
= (2/7) x (1/6) + (2/7) x (1/6) + 1/7 (from ai)
= 5/21
aiii) probability of draw 1 black 1 white
= probability of draw a black then a white + probability of draw a white then a black
= (2/7) x (3/6) + (3/7) x (2/6)
= 2/7
參考: self

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