
2008-01-25 6:14 am
My favourite movie is The Phantom of the Opera.
The Phantom of the Opera love Christine.He appreciated the amazing voice that Christine had.So that he taught Christine how to sing.
This Part is talking about the Phantom brought Christine to his lair.
the song which they sang is call "The Phantom of the Opera"
They are not singers, but i think that they sang very nice.
The stage design of the lair was gorgeous and mysterious.Make me impress of this part most.

回答 (2)

2008-01-25 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
My favourite movie is The Phantom of the Opera.

The Phantom of the Opera loves Christine.

He appreciates the amazing voice of Christine's,

therefore he taught Christine how to sing well.

This chapter/plot told about the Phantom brought Christine to his lair,

and the song they were singing was called "The Phantom of the Opera"

Although they are not singers,I think they had sang nicely/elegantly/beautifully.

The stage design of the lair was gorgeous though mysterious.

As a result, this part impressed me most.


2008-01-24 22:34:54 補充:
I like all parts of this story. Apart from being a musical movie, it's also a romantic and horror film. 最後那一句不太明解...煩情再度解釋 謝=]現在去睡- - 明日再來繼續Zzz
參考: 自己
2008-01-25 6:27 am
Many Many Gramatical mistakes:
My favourite movie is The Phantom of the Opera.
The Phantom of the Opera loves Christine. He appreciates the amazing voice that Christine has, so he teaches Christine how to sing.
This part talks about the Phantom brining Christine to his lair.
The song which they sing is called "The Phantom of the Opera".
Although they are not singers, I think they sing very nice.
The stage design of the lair was gorgeous and mysterious. I was impressed by this part.
Also there is a problem of logical errors. I do not understand what you mean just by these words. You should add what part you mean. You may want to say this:
My favourite movie is The Phantom of the Opera. The Phantom of the Opera loves Chistine. He appreciates the beautiful voice that she has, so he teaches Christine to sing. One part is that Phatom brings Christine to his lair. The sing a song, called "The Phatom of the Opera". Even though they are not singers, I think they sing very nice. Furthermore, the stage design of the lair is gorgeous and mysterious. This part impressed me the most.

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