✔ 最佳答案
Name: Octavia
Source: 拉丁 Latin
Meaning: 第八的 eighth
Name: Odelette
Source: 法國 France
Meaning: 嗓音美妙 good throat
Name: Odila
Source: 條頓 Teutonic
Meaning: 富裕 wealth
Name: Ofra
Source: 希伯來 Hebrew
Meaning: 小鹿 ; Ophrah的別稱
"fawn" ; Form of Ophrah
Name: Olga
Source: 斯干那維亞 Scandinavia
Meaning: 受祝福的 blessed ; 神聖的 holy
Name: Olive
Source: 拉丁 Latin
Meaning: 和平主義者 pacificist
Name: Olivia
Source: 法國 France
Meaning: 橄欖樹 olive tree ; Oliver的女性化名稱 Feminine form of Oliver
Name: Olympia
Source: 希臘 Greek
Meaning: 希臘Peloponnesus半島西部的平原 From the Greek, the name of the place.
Name: Oonagh
Source: 蓋爾 Gaelic; 拉丁 Latin
Meaning: 小羔羊 ; 一個 ; Una的別稱
"lamb" or "one" ; Form of Una
Name: Opal
Source: 梵語 Sanskrit
Meaning: 寶石 precious stone
Name: Ophelia
Source: 希臘 Greek
Meaning: 幫忙 "help"
Name: Ophrah
Source: 希伯來 Hebrew
Meaning: 小鹿 "fawn"
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