When there is a thunderstorm

2008-01-25 1:09 am
When there is a thunderstorm, what should you do and what should you not do?

回答 (2)

2008-01-25 1:35 am
When there is a thunderstorm :
1. DO NOT try to get into trains and buses with the stupid crowd.
2. DO NOT keep re-trying your cell phone to make phone calls.
3. DO NOT rush to supermarket for can foods, that you cannot finish in months.

When there is a thunderstorm :
1. It is a perfect excuse for not going to school
2. It is a perfect excuse for not going back to office if you were out already.
3. It is a perfect excuse for not coming back home, and you play majong all night long.

Good luck!
2008-01-25 1:31 am

Points to note in thunderstorms

Stay indoors. Seek shelter in buildings if you are working outdoor.
Do not swim or engage in other water sports. Leave the water and seek shelter.
Avoid using telephone or other plugged-in electrical appliances, including computers.
Do not touch aerials, water taps, pipes, wire fences and similar metal installations.
Do not take shower.
Do not handle inflammable materials in open containers.
Do not stand on hill tops or near any highly conductive objects. Keep away from trees or masts which are likely to be struck by lightning. Since lightning current is conducted away through the ground, you should not lie down especially when the ground is wet. Instead you should crouch down to minimise the area in contact between you and the ground.
Hikers and people engaging in outdoor activities should bring along their radios and listen to the latest weather information issued by the Observatory.
Be alert to outbreaks of heavy rain. Stay away from river courses or low-lying areas.
Drivers using highways and flyovers should be alert to intense gusts.
People on small boats on the open sea should watch out for the approach of squalls or waterspouts.
If you encounter a tornado, seek shelter in a sturdy building. Stay away from windows, crouch to the floor and protect your head with your arms or thick padding. In the outdoors, stay away from trees, cars and other things that can be blown up by the tornado.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:30:53
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