
2008-01-25 12:13 am

回答 (4)

2008-01-25 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) to do physical exercise

2) do not focus your mind to think of one thing

3) find out yourself new interest, like:
- look at cook book
- look at DIY book of house painting and how to decorate your home more nice looking
- go to some place not so crowd
- listen Chinese Orchertra music
- go to some of city hall, find out some reasonable price programme, find out your new interest and new style of life, do not think of : I don't like this, use your new mind of thinking to accept different cultural of things.

4) You are more happy than lot of people in this world, like those suffer by hunger, or serious illness....

5) Travelling, go to some of places, those cultural is different from us, has another perspective angle on this global world.
2008-02-03 8:30 pm
寫中文會好好多0 0好多英文唔明
2008-01-25 12:46 am
2008-01-25 12:33 am
在你心中, 一件事情好與壞, 全憑你心所想!!

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