香港credit card卡可唔可係美國上網BID野?

2008-01-24 1:51 pm

可唔可以問我老豆拎個credit card 上網係美國bid野? (我老豆係HK,張卡都係HK搞)


回答 (2)

2008-01-24 6:52 pm
主要的信用卡是 visa, mastercard, diners & american express. 我相信你有的其中的一种。那么在网上用是没有问题的。


还有,在购物站上,用有信用保障的付款站: paypal

2008-01-24 6:35 pm
no, you can not use your daddy's credit card to bib or buy thing in USA.

the reason is :
1. that is not your own credit, you are using other person's card and have no proof of authorization from that person. ( ex. nobody know Mr. Chin is Mr.Chin's son...right? )

2. when you bib thing online in here, the credit card billing statement address must match the same address as for delivery. the company won't not accept the cridet card.
參考: try it to believe it.

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