Question about 刑事毀壞

2008-01-24 10:33 am
l lost temper one day and destroyed a rubbish can in a mall which cost $3000-$4000 according to the mall staff, the police is going to charge me 刑事毀壞, just waiting for whether the mall is going to sue me or not, if the mall is going to sue me, what is the penalty usually? l am an adult and have a criminal record before but this is my first time to commit this kind of crime(刑事毀壞)

does bringing 2 knives to the streets a violent offence? l am not a trial memeber and l did it for a very stupid reason, l was in jail 2 weeks for that charge....


l contacted the mall, the staff said they have to wait for the police's opinion to make the decision, what does that mean? and my prior offence is more than a year ago, how much effect it will have?

回答 (2)

2008-01-24 11:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
A lot will depend on whether the owner of the mall decides to press charges. If he or she does, then it becomes a criminal case. At which time, a lot will then depend on what priors you have on your record. If your priors are minor non-violent offenses, the judge may just give you a slap on the wrist and let you off with fines and probation. If your priors are indeed violent offenses, I suggest you go get a good attorney.

Now, since the owner of the mall hasn't pressed any charges, I'd suggest you to try and defuse the situation there. Try your best to contact the owner or management and be very very apologetic. Explain to them that it wasn't against them or their property but you just took your anger out in a wrongful manner and that you would never do that again. Then offer to pay for the rubbish bin and to compensate them for the time they have to spend to acquire a new bin. Be very very courteous. That alone should defuse the situation and would save you lots of problems in the future.

The worst scenerio is that they press charges and you goto court. In which case, show that judge your remorse and suggest to the judge to mandate you to some anger management counseling. Good luck to you and keep a cool head...always.


2008-01-24 06:38:17 補充:
Was it recent? If it's say a year ago, it'll hurt you. Court may deem you as a violent person who carries deadly weapons. Sign up for an anger mgmt class to work on controlling your anger. Learn new ways to deal with difficulties Judge may be more lenient on sentencing
2008-01-24 10:54 am
依家睇下商場告唔告你, 如果你當時態度唔太差, 人地都免痲繁, 你肯賠返就算, 警察更加唔會主動告你, 除非果樣係政府野, 假如真係大吉利事要告你, 如果你唔係暴力底, 應該守行為或罰錢了事.....................
參考: 退休警察

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