請問咩叫 "I don't give a Damn" 呀?

2008-01-24 8:45 am
請問咩叫 "I don't give a Damn" 呀? 我成日係d英文歌聽到呀, 係唔係粗口黎架??

回答 (4)

2008-01-24 1:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Personally...I wouldn't consider damn a swear word, but some claim that damn is swearing....honestly, if you said that at school, your teacher probably wouldn't say anything about it

It means something along the lines of:

I don't care
It's not my business
參考: me
2008-01-24 9:36 am
I don't give a damn = 關我叉事!

2008-01-24 01:37:41 補充:
都唔算係粗口。再粗俗D可以係 I don't give a s**t! 甚至 I don't give a f***!
2008-01-24 8:59 am
I don't give a Damn = 我不在乎
2008-01-24 8:55 am
同 i don't give a shxt一樣

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