Payment term

2008-01-24 8:15 am
what is O/A
what is L/C at sight
what is L/C 30 days
what is D/P

what is open account what is FOB what is CIF what is FCA what is C&F 中文解釋. Thanks

回答 (3)

2008-01-24 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
what is O/A
通常是相熟既客, 找數可稍有彈性, 如T/T等

what is L/C at sight
當整套文件齊備, 一交到銀行, 客方要馬上付款

what is L/C 30 days
當整套文件齊備, 交到銀行後, 30天內付款

what is D/P
DP - Defer payment

FOB - Freight On Board
賣方把貨物交到碼頭, 之後所有費用, 由買方支付

CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight
把貨物交到碼頭, 之後的保險費及運費, 都全部由賣方承擔

C&F Cost and Freight
把貨物交到碼頭, 之後的運費, 都由賣方承擔
2015-12-03 4:15 am
2008-01-26 12:28 am
O/A = Open Account
L/C at sight = 買家即時比錢即時拎shipping document
L/C 30 days = 買家30日後比錢
D/P = Document against payment 都係買家即時比錢即時拎shipping document
但係L/C 係買家開, D/P 係shipper 做...所以L/C 安全D

FOB = Free on board
shipper 負責到上船
CIF = Cost Insurance and Freight
shipper 負責到destination port and insurance
FCA = Free Carriage
shipper 負責到交貨比first carrier
C&F = Cost & Freight

shipper 負責到destination port w/o insurance

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