Are there illegal aliens in countries other than the United States?

2008-01-23 9:13 pm
If so, how are they being treated in those countries? Do the citizens of those countries cry foul just the same way we do?

回答 (14)

2008-01-23 9:21 pm
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Yes. And in fact, in the Middle East they are telling their children to get out of the Middle East and go to Europe or the United States.

1 - 10 of about 6,390,000 for.. Europe illegal aliens

Oh yes. The Chinese are forcing the North Koreans to go home, while the Malysians are hot to return the Chinese. But that is NOTHING compared to the effort Mexico is making to get their illegal aliens out of their country.
2008-01-23 9:20 pm
Yes, there are. Just different breeds. The Europeans have a huge problem w muslim illegals. Most countries are not welcoming their illegals like we do. France is even beginning to pay them to leave. Never thought I'd see the day that France is making more sense than we are. Depressing.
2008-01-23 9:21 pm
Of course this is just speculation, but I would think that any person that has even the slightest loyalty to their country is offended by illegal immigration. The governments of those countries also. I only ever hear of the horrible way mexico treats it's illegal aliens, I do not know of how countries other than the U.S. and mexico treat illegals.
2008-01-23 9:23 pm
Of course. Throughout the EU, there are African and Middle Eastern aliens who are in similar situations as the Mexican immigrants in the United States. At times, it's even worse.

There are even Americans who are illegal aliens. Many Americans teach English overseas, most of them legally. A few do so without a valid work visa (Particularly in Korea, which has arcane immigration laws that make obtaining a visa prohibitively expensive), and thus are working illegally. Generally, they have the legal clearance to be there on a tourist visa, but that's a different matter. Over there, there are cash rewards for reporting people who work without a legal visa.

It's the same across many developed and mostly-developed nations. The richer a nation, the more likely illegal immigration is an issue. People seek a better life, and many will break laws to get there.
2008-01-23 9:25 pm
Yep, just about all the countries in the middle east. They have refuge illegals. Britain has riots in the streets because of the illegals. You know what France is doing. It is not a rosy picture anywhere.
And Yes they are very upset that their culture is being undermined because illegals come in and claim they have rights.
2008-01-23 9:22 pm
Of course. Mexico has it's own problems with illegal immigration from the countries of Central America. Of course, they are dealt with much more harshly than we deal with illegals here. They are raped, robbed, put into detention camps, and deported, if not shot out of hand.

Any country that has people who have entered illegally has the same problem. The only country that I ever heard that didn't have the problem was the Soviet Union. NOBODY wanted to immigrate to that country when it was in existence.

Other countries attempt to enforce their immigration laws more than we do. They don't have such groups as the ACLU or immigration activists or globalists like El Presidente Jorge Boosh promoting breaking the law to benefit the illegals at the expense of the citizens.
2008-01-23 9:37 pm
Many are going to Australia and England and Canada.....all the successful countries. Just like us they were accommodating and understanding till the demands never stopped and their lives were being destroyed. TOO many...TOO soon crammed down your throat. Kind of like forcing water down a drowning mans throat. No one doubts "water is good for you"......unless it's just too much to handle.

Those countries are saying verbatem the exact same things we body is listening.

The only happy people are big business and massive legal and illegal immigrants who are temporarily having everything given to them. I was all for SHARING......not giving them everything I worked for. Seriously.....sharing is 50-50....not I give you 100% and you take 100%.
2008-01-23 9:22 pm
Absolutely. Almost all nations on earth have illegal immigrants. How they contend with them varies from country to country. Some nations accept their immigrants. Some nations persecute them. Many places, like Britain or Canada, have more or less the same experience Americans do, just on a smaller scale. Most nations fall somewhere in between. In all cases, though, there are some citizens who cry foul and some who do not. Nothing is ever as simple as we wish it was!
2016-10-24 11:17 pm
they are an major component to the infrastructure of incredibly some states, and the fee of researching and deporting them is a lot more beneficial than the price of allowing them to exist right here. White nationalists make a tremendous deal out of the mythical emergency room-abusing, welfare-millionaire unlawful extraterrestrial beings, even as in truth that highly a lot all of them are complicated-operating and purely searching to make a much better existence for themselves like various human beings else.
2008-01-23 9:38 pm
You know what's a good movie for you guys to watch? Children of men. About the influx of huge immigrations.

pretty bleak in the end. It's a dog eat dog world out there.

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