Very Top Urgent!!! Please help!!! 中一數學題

2008-01-24 7:39 am
數學題 : Mr. Wong has some literature books and story books, which are 4% and 15% of his book collection respectively. The difference between the numbers of hese two types of books is 77.
(a) Find the total number of books Mr Wong has. Please explain how to calcuate.

(b) If Mr Wong has 126 science fiction books, what percentage of his book collection is science fiction? Please explain how to calculate.

回答 (2)

2008-01-24 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) the total number of books,

b) the percentage of his book collection,
2008-01-25 5:34 am
a) Let x be the total no. of books of Mr Wong has.
15%x - 4%x = 77
11%x = 77
x(11/100)= 77

b)The percentage of his book collection is science fiction:
(126/700) x 100%
=126/7 %
參考: F.1

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