英文解釋 很急 謝謝

2008-01-24 7:31 am
The service was officially launched on Demcember 31.
Senior vice-president Kwong Hoi-ying of Atv,which commis-sioned the survey,said more efforts were needed to attract viewers back to the free channels.
"The two free-to-air broadcasters had more than three milloon viewers during the old days.But many of those have now turned to other enterainment."he said.

回答 (3)

2008-01-24 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
委託此調查的亞洲電視高級副總裁Kwong Hoi-ying 說,吸引觀眾收看免費頻道需要更多的努力。

2008-01-26 22:18:29 補充:

2008-01-26 22:19:40 補充:
上網search 過HKU's POP ge 中文正名http://hkupop.hku.hk/
2008-01-24 8:04 am
自己譯, 無用番譯網ga... 若譯得唔好, 請多多指教

The service was officially launched on Demcember 31.

Senior vice-president Kwong Hoi-ying of Atv,which commis-sioned the survey,said more efforts were needed to attract viewers back to the free channels.
ATV 高級副經理鄺海英曾委託製作相關的調查, 並表示加努力去吸引觀眾去看免費頻道.

"The two free-to-air broadcasters had more than three milloon viewers during the old days.But many of those have now turned to other enterainment.&qu ot;he said.
他提及 "有兩個在大氣免費廣播的公司過往有超過三百萬觀眾. 但其中有大很多已轉去其他的娛樂媒介

2008-01-24 00:16:42 補充:
更正: (1) 加強努力 (唔係加努力)(2) Kwong Hoi-ying 的譯名 最好真的保留, 因為可能譯錯(3) 有兩個在大氣免費廣播的公司 可以直譯為 免費電視台

2008-01-24 00:37:12 補充:
The survey was conducted by the University of Hong Kong's Public Opinion Programme between December 10 and 17,within days of free-to--air broadcasters TVB and Atv beginning digital broadcasting trials. 此調查是由香港大學負責, 針對的時間是在十二月十日至十七日, 由免費電視台 TVB 及ATV 試行的數碼廣播節目上, 諮詢公眾意見

2008-01-24 00:37:53 補充:
[註: 唔知 's 係咩, 上文並非一字不漏的照譯]希望以上幫到你....

2008-01-24 18:54:53 補充:
sorry... 最初因亂碼, 先唔知咩係 's, 依家睇到, 明白係咩啦
參考: 自己譯, 無用番譯網ga...
2008-01-24 7:51 am
服務正式地被發射了在Demcember 31 。資深副總裁Kwong Hoi-ying Atv, 委任勘測, 說更多努力是需要的吸引觀察者回到自由渠道。"二名自由對空氣播報員安排超過三個milloon 觀察者在老days.But 期間許多那些現在轉向了其它enterainment

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