想同前男友做返朋友.. 要點開始聯絡返好? 要講甚麼?

2008-01-24 6:00 am
分左手約2星期, 2星期來都冇contact過, 我想同佢做返朋友...
想msn返佢.. 但初初再contact應該講咩?

*不是因第3者分手. 是因性格不合.

回答 (3)

2008-01-24 7:02 am
只是性格不合, 即是和平分手LA, 既然已經咁了解, 有咩吾可以講, 隨便LA, 用真誠去關心他LA, 就當他是你的一個知心友LAW
2008-01-24 6:29 am
參考: me
2008-01-24 6:25 am
You may try msn :

Chinese New Year is coming,
Wish him to help you decorate the room. ( eg painting, wax floor whatever.)
If he says YES, then you arrange dinner after the painting.

Or you have a computer problem, ask him to public library / your home to teach you.

Anyway, good luck

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