Why are Chinese and foreign festivals celebrated in HK?

2008-01-24 4:58 am
Why are Chinese and foreign festivals celebrated in HK?

回答 (1)

2008-01-24 5:22 am
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Hong Kong was ceded to Britain for a long time. During these 99 years, Britain delivered many British officers to rule Hong Kong. So we have Hong Kong Governors, who are British.
Also Britain uses their regulations and facilities to rule Hong Kong. For examples, all the children studied English when they were young. The buses we used in HK were bought from UK. We enjoyed not only Chinese holidays but also western holidays.
So we have Easter & Christmas holidays in HK.
After 1997, some of the holidays such as Queen Elizabeth's birthday missed. Instead of this, we have Buddist's birthday as our holiday.
Why we celebrate Chinese & Foreign festivals in HK, then?
We are Chinese, of course. So we like to celebrate some special traditional festivals such as Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival..... All these are the special festivals that all our family members gather together or some historic stories for us to remember some heros.
We are influenced by United Kingdom for almost 100 years. We were grown with this western environment and we learnt western festivals during the time. We know history about Jesus, so we celebrate his birth (Christmas) and his raise (Easter).
Hong Kong is a special place that it absorbed Chinese & Western culture. So we celebrate these festivals in HK.

收錄日期: 2021-04-14 18:32:54
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