
2008-01-24 4:55 am
求 各位大哥大姐幫幫手~識既話就盡量幫-_-"

回答 (1)

2008-01-25 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
你2年級就要作80字啦...真係impossible (我guess你中二 xD)
just kidding! = =

Hi! My name is John (個名up to you). I am now a primary 2 student and studying in ABC school. I grow up in a rich, lovely, and warm family. Let me tell you more detail.
I have a elder brother. He's called Johnson. I will always ask for help of the homework problem to him. He is also fain to enlighten me.
Secondly, I am going to introduce my mother. My mother is a housewife. She is a auditor as well. Of course, she will be very buzy because she has to work on day and does housework at night. She does hope that her sons -- me and my brother can get good results in examination and tests.
Finally, I would like to introduce the most important family members -- my father. My father is a businessman who needs to manage a lot of business in order to make money. This is the main reson that makes us rich and live more comfortable!
Perhaps all family members, including me, look very buzy and marblehearted. In fact, this family is warm and lovely. We do like to have a family day on Sundays! We will gather together and play a lot to maintain the relationship between us.

2008-01-24 22:29:53 補充:
參考: F.1

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