
2008-01-24 4:05 am
Inquiring about such loans also provides a clue as to the bank’s overall attitude. “old school” banks will probably hold firm to the adage that banks should match the maturity of their loans to the maturity of liabilities, or deposits. While this makes good sense financially, in general, it can be taken too literally, to the detriment of developing firms that need help.
A prospective bank or branch should also be screened with respect to the types of business loans it makes.

回答 (1)

2008-01-24 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
詢問關於這樣貸款並且提供一個線索至於銀行的整體態度。"老學校" 銀行大概將拿著企業對格言, 銀行應該匹配他們的貸款成熟對責任成熟, 或儲蓄。當這財政有好道理, 總之, 它可能太逐字地被採取, 對顯現出的企業的損傷需要幫助。一個預期銀行或分支應該並且被篩選談到類型工商業貸款它牌子。

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