邊度學English speaking好?(中4學生)

2008-01-24 1:58 am
- 唔要上堂聽d teachers 不斷講考試skills就完一堂
- 價錢不要太貴
- 可以多講English/實習機會

回答 (4)

2008-01-24 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
試試看這個看英文短片的網站, 有中英對照, 以及英美政治家的演講, 你可以從最簡單的開始, 慢慢地就聽得越來越多了.
2008-01-25 6:44 am
我現在於Prime English 讀, 他們是先教國際音標,再訓練聽,講和寫。 我不喜歡為考試而讀書, 狂操pass paper。那是不能重建你英文。我有位同事讀過英國文化協會,wsi, HKUSPACE 和 Prime English。比較之下覺得Prime English 最好。而且可以申請CEF津貼最多一萬元,以下是我對老師的推介 國際音標Listening & Speaking Skills Level 1(Mr. Johnny), Listening & Speaking Skills Level 2-3(Mr. Locky-just can speak in English) ,Grammar (Ms. Michelle),你可先參加他們的課程講座
Can I help you?
2008-01-24 5:17 am
go to antipodean!!

it can surely help u with ur oral.
i learnt oral from antipodean before, n i hv got a very great improvement r!!
so i strongly recommend that u go there and learn!!!
2008-01-24 2:09 am
Actually, I think you can find your classmates and your friends to practise the english oral because all of you are in a similar level, and also they all know the rule of oral exam. But if you really need a tutorial class to help you, I think all tutorial classes are similar, and also the tutor will talk about a lot of exam skills since this stuff is easy for them to prepare. Well, do you get my point?

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